Due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict which NATO incited (and exacerbates to this day), Russia was kicked out of the SWIFT financial transaction system by all of America’s poodle countries. As a result, there will be no potash shipped out to most of the world- a necessary ingredient for high crop yields around the world. Food shortages, famines and starving to death are now a foregone conclusion, as the prices of food go up beyond what literally hundreds of millions will be able to pay.
Russia has been stockpiling food, and last week Putin announced to his people on Russian TV that the country had five years of food stockpiled, so they need nothing from the USA- or frankly, anyone else. China has stockpiled 18 months of wheat to feed their people, but their agents are busily moving around America buying any stored wheat they can get their hands on- by the trainload, at whatever price they have to pay- and sending it on cargo ships back to China.
The results here will be food prices going steadily up in the USA for the foreseeable future. I’m seeing 15-20% increases in the grocery stores, on a month-to-month basis, right now, and those increases will get much steeper. With no potash and already exorbitant prices for natural gas- both absolutely required to produce fertilizer for high crop yields- we’re going into a period of not just “food shortages,” like Brandon said, we’re going to be facing our own version of the Holodomor famine of 1933. Think of this starving woman with her son…

Or this family starving in their own yard:

Food prices will eventually go exponential, and finally won’t be available at any price, since fuel won’t be available for trucks, there simply won’t be any food available and even if there was, nobody wants to make a delivery to a place where there as likely to get shot as paid with the worthless money. The blue cities- hives of humanity more parasitical than productive- will face escalations of violence, famine, starvation and eventually cannibalism, as a result.
Keep in mind, this is going global. The only countries that’ll make it through reasonably “ok” will be Russia and- maybe- China. But I’m not holding my breath about the latter. The 2nd and 3rd-world countries will be the leading edge of the misery, as their populations live closest to poverty, and any significant price swings of food automatically mean they starve to death. But it will still hit here, HARD, and if you aren’t ready, there’s a good chance you’ll be relying on Brandon to save you… and then you’ll become a statistic.
My advice is to get as much food as you can get your hands on immediately. Understand, it really doesn’t matter how much food you have in your pantry, it ain’t enough. Make sure to get things that you and your kin will really eat, not stuff that will technically keep you alive, but your kids will refuse to consume because it doesn’t taste perfect. If you can get a YEAR of food stored away, you’ll be ahead of 95% of the crowd, who doesn’t have more than a weeks’ worth of food in their whole house. If you’re on city water, find a way to store it (plenty of videos on this sort of thing out there). If you have an electric well, find a way to power it if the utilities go off, or get a hand-pump if possible.